The BC Agriculture and Food Climate Action Initiative (CAI)
CAI was developed in 2008 by the BC Agriculture Council to enable a proactive and pan-agriculture approach to climate change issues. CAI is supported by the BC Agricultural Research & Development Corporation and the Investment Agriculture Foundation with funding provided by Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada and the BC Ministry of Agriculture.
CAI has played a very important role in establishing the BC Agricultural Climate Adaptation Research Network and the organizations work closely to develop applied industry research projects and strategies for enhancing research extension.
An extensive number of climate adaptation documents, tools and resources have been developed by CAI and should be viewed by researchers who are interested in getting involved with climate change adaption research in the BC agriculture industry.
CAI Research Projects at a Glance
This document provides a list of climate change related research projects that have been administered by CAI.
CAI Risk and Opportunities and Regional Adaptation Strategies Series
In 2012, an assessment of climate change related risks and opportunities was completed for BC agriculture. A series of in-depth regional plans — Regional Adaptation Strategies — are now being developed across BC.
CAI Farm Practices & Climate Change Adaptation Series
In 2012-2013 the Farm Practices & Climate Change Adaptation research project engaged with producers from across the province about current and innovative farm practices with the intent of evaluating how these practices may support adaptation for climate change.
CAI Priorities for Agricultural Adaptation Research in BC
This document provides a scan of past agriculture and climate adaptation research in BC and identifies provincial and regional priorities for future research projects. The scan was conducted in the Fall of 2017 and will be updated soon.